Sunday, June 8, 2014

Goals for Summer

Today is officially my first day of summer vacation! Yesterday I turned in my keys and closed the chapter on my 17th year of teaching. Each school year goes by faster and faster, and summer breaks seem to fly by in a wink. This summer I am determined to slow down and fully enjoy all of those little moments that add up to a wonderful summer. After all, this will be the only time I'll ever get to enjoy my children in the ages that they are--a 12 year-old just finishing elementary school and looking forward to new adventures in middle school, a soon-to-be 10 year-old whom I need to convince to lay off the electronics a bit, and a rambunctious three year-old spitfire who can speak in a British accent like no one's business. So, in order to make the most of the brief time we have together, I've come up with a few general goals for us for the summer.

  1. More reading, less screen time.
  2. More activity, less lounging.
  3. More smiles, less pestering.
  4. More purging of stuff we don't need, less clutter.
I've also come up with very specific goals for myself. These include:
  1. Read with each of the kids every day, but don't forget to make time for your own books.
  2. Write daily. You have tons of ideas for the blog, so use them!
  3. Be active each day. This means getting in at least 12,000 steps per day. Start running again!
  4. Drink lots of water.
  5. No gluten, no chips, no fast food, no junk.
  6. Be fully present while with the kids. 
Happy summer!! :)

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