Friday, January 17, 2014

Thursday, celebrating Katie!

Today was a special day for two big reasons. First, it was my oldest child’s birthday. Katie turned 12! I think back on the day that she was born, and I am filled with warm memories. I know that I weighed at least 50 lbs. less than I do now. And that’s depressing…. But I’m doing something about it.

Woo hoo! 100 workouts!
Since Katie wanted me to come home early to get the celebrations started early, I knew I didn’t have as much time as usual to exercise. I considered not going at all, but I knew that was not an option. I especially wanted to go because it was my 100th visit to Curves! (Woo hoo! It certainly took me long enough to reach that milestone!)

I decided to skip the circuit at Curves, and just do the treadmill. I walked 2 miles in 41 minutes. I walked at 3 mph on a 2.0 incline. I burned 233 calories and 146 fat calories.

I had a rough time while walking. I hated every second, every step. I tried increasing my speed, but I kept feeling like I was going to trip. My left arm was going numb each time I held onto the handle. I was not enjoying the book I was reading. I was just in a hurry to get home, I suppose. My BFF showed up when I had about 10 minutes left. Thank goodness, because she talked and entertained me. I survived, but barely.

I compared today’s stats with the previous day. I can’t believe how many more calories you can burn just by increasing the incline.

Reasons to be proud today: Day four of NO COKE! When we went to eat at McAlester’s Deli, I ate relatively healthy lunch (baked potato) without any gluten! I did my walking! I made my 100th visit to Curves! We had birthday cake tonight, and I only ate a tiny, microscopic sliver of cake!


  1. Congratulations on no Coke, gluten free dinner, only a sliver of cake, and 100 workouts! You are doing amazingly, so keep it up. I BELIEVE you can do it!

  2. Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Katie!
